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Pamela Douglas
Literacy Coach
Grace Eberhardt
Webmaster & Communications Specialist
Anne-Marie Eberhardt
Coordinator of Alterative Education
Alison Erickson
Supervisor of Human Resources
Timothy Eustler
Nishan Fernandes
Bus Driver
Tristin Fidler
Director of Teacher Quality
Daniel Fischer
Physical Therapist
Justin Foley
Bus Driver
Michael George
Chief Information Officer
Sandra Gillenwater
Director of Family & Community Engagement and Special Initiatives
Tiara Good
Administrative Assistant to the Department of Teaching & Learning
Carleen Goodsell
Karen Hall
School Nutrition Staff
Brian Hayes
Marion Heflin
Bus Driver
Marco Hernandez
Bus Driver
Connie Hodson
Bus Driver
Tiffany Holmes
Public Relations & Communications Specialist
Emily Horne
Instructional Technology Supervisor