Licensure and Recertification


The primary purpose for licensing teachers and other school personnel is to maintain standards of professional competence. The responsibility for licensure is set forth in § 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia, which states that the Virginia Board of Education shall prescribe by regulation the requirements for licensure of teachers.


The commitment to continuous learning is important, and the renewal process ensures that school personnel continually update their professional knowledge and skills. License holders are responsible for satisfying license renewal requirements as set forth in the Licensure Regulations for School Personnel and the Code of Virginia. The Virginia Licensure Renewal Manual provides guidance for all license holders as they plan their personal growth within the profession. The manual describes the process for renewing Virginia's educators' licenses through and individualized plan. 

Licenses for renewal may be submitted to the Office of Licensure any time after January 1 of the year of expiration.  Renewal requests should not be submitted prior to January 1 of the year of expiration.

The Application for License Renewal can be found in the Virginia Licensure Renewal Manual.
